Toddler Community/Daycare
Many times, toddlers are referred to as “The Terrible Twos” but we see them as terrific for their energy, determination, and curiosity. To be a toddler is to be curious and there are so many things to see, touch, hear, feel, and do. Our toddler environment is purposefully created to be a safe place for your toddler to learn, grow and enjoy his or her independence. A place where everything is just the right size for them to do things on their own. We give them child sized tools that fit their tiny hands and teach them the skills of self-care, building self-confidence and the belief that they can choose to make a genuine impact on the world.
At this stage, children demonstrate a need to be self-reliant and self-sufficient and is the best time to support them becomes independent through his own activity such as dressing, feeding, toileting and more.
Independence and self-care e.g., toilet learning, brushing teeth, washing hands and dressing.
The Toddler environment encourages and facilitate the freedom of movement that your child needs. Fine and large motor activities help your child strengthen muscles and improve coordination.
Language Acquisition
Toddlers are in a sensitive period for language, a window in their life of intense absorption of the language spoken around them. We train them to follow, recognize and discriminate between sounds and noises in the environment as a way of preparation for learning spoken language later.
Your child is joining a community and not a class. Children naturally learn from other children and will form bond that last through our elementary program and beyond. Your child will practice working independently and how to function within a community, thus developing a strong sense of respect and personal responsibility towards others and the environment. The cooperative atmosphere encourages children to share their ideas and gain confidence.

Maria Montessori once said, “One test of the correctness of the educational procedure is the happiness of the child.” In our Toddler classroom, your child will be happy, engaged and deeply connected to friends and teachers. As a result, your child will develop a deep affinity for school and a true love-for-learning.
Social-Emotional Development